I've been fairly slack about this, I know. I'm still umm-ing and ahh-ing over whether or not to go to class tonight. The weather has been firmly stuck in the minus figures for a few days now. If I haven't spoken to you and told you, we have snow. Vancouver rarely has snow and we're currently about 10 degrees less than we should be at this time of year - yay! According the weather site, by the time I get to class it should be -9 and by the time I leave, it should be -10 :S lots of black ice for me, yay! I might see what it's like when I go for dinner and make my decision based on that, but on the basis that I am in my room with the heating on wearing snow boots, longjohns, jeans, a thermal top, t-shirt and a hoodie and I'm still chilly, it's not boding well. At least I'm not in Calgary, those poor mofos enjoyed a high of -23 today! It's set to drop to -28 this evening. Sod that. EDIT: Just popped to the bathroom, which has no heating. Holy mother loving Christ was it cold in there. On the plus side, the paper towel dispenser is working again...
What have I been up to?
Well, Friday night I bought some wish cranes before I went to Pride where Martin and I manned (perhaps an ironic choice of words?) the drinks table for an hour. Our very lovely RA Haitham turned up too and amused us greatly with his mildly drunken antics. However, nothing could be funnier than the man who complained to us that the bar staff had refused to serve him because he was too drunk. He asked us which society this was for and was rather shocked and surprised when I told him it was gay pride. Apparently the drag queens (it was drag night) weren't a clue for him. There was melting-as-soon-as-it-hits-the-ground type snow when I arrived at Pride but when I left, we had snow. And lots of it. In hindsight, the hill I decided to do a snowroll down may have actually been a staircase. My bad. When we made it back to Vanier, there was a rather large snowball fight. During said fight, I removed my glasses and put them in my bag. At some point, presumably when I took my keys out, my glasses fell out of my bag...
...don't worry! They were a bit bent but I found them and dug them out of the ice on Saturday afternoon and took them to an opticians where they were fixed for free :D following this, I went ice skating at the UBC rink (why yes, we have an ice rink on campus. This is Canada, after all!) I went skating with Michelle and her residents Drew and Camille. I realised I didn't know what size my feet are in Canadian sizes so I tried a 5. This turned out to be far too small so I went to ask them for a 6. Unfortunately, the only had a 6 in hockeys. I was rather impressed though, both the hockeys and the figures were in pretty good nick for death wellies. I didn't stack it. I've still got it :D
Sunday was the Canucks game. I got to the game and went to take a photo and realised that I'd left my batteries in the charger. Doh. However, Rebecca and Alannah remembered theirs so I can show you one of their pics. One of the girls who was meant to come with us left it too late and didn't make it to the game :| The Canucks lost (as did the Ducks :() but it was really worth going to. Very much a sensory overload. I'm going to look at going to Anaheim to see the Ducks when I'm in LA. I bought myself a Canucks top. I don't have a photo of it. The v-neck comes down a bit lower than I expected so I may take to wearing a tank top underneath it, not that anybody is likely to see anything I'm wearing under my ski coat these days :D
Yesterday I got a message from Jack. This deserves its own paragraph because it's not a very frequent occurrence. He's not been having a great time of late, which makes me ungeng (don't ask. He'll understand if he's reading this.) Witchers on the other hand have many exciting things ahead of them. They are due to be recording an album over Easter which will be released by NrOne Records, so they are frantically attempting to write enough new songs for this to work. Now may be a good time to remind a certain Mr Kavanagh that he once promised to write me a song in 3/4. They have also been having video production meetings (I've heard a rumour that the video will be for '
Stars' which is funny because I had an idea for a video for 'Stars' and I can't remember if I told any of the boys or not. If it involves a beach at night then I most definitely did and they are thieving gits :P) I've also heard rumours about small UK tours and a Witchers/Gravedale High show. I seem to missing all the good shit. On the up side, by the time I get back they might have more band privileges that hopefully Jack will let me abuse. I'd like to think one of them would reward my band loyalty. Plus ones and free drinks are ALWAYS good.
Today I handed in my second symbolism essay. I had some printing issues but hopefully JXC won't mind. After class I then went to Tim Hortons and got a hot chocolate and a triple chocolate doughnut, before waiting for one of my lecturers for 15 minutes before deciding I really didn't want to spend any more time waiting for her to turn up to her scheduled office hours. I then went and had a mooch around the Nitobe Memorial Garden.
I think this is all. Now to add photos!
EDIT: The images were taking ages to upload so I went for dinner. Based on that, I now give you Today's Top 5 WTF?! Moments
1) Watching a girl in stilettos with no tights on walking over the ice outside Buchanan (the arts building.)
2) Guys in purple morphsuits running through the cafeteria, throwing leaflets at us and shouting about the AUS No Pants Dance on Friday.
3) The following conversation:
Me: Could I have a slice of two cheese, please?
Cafe Staff: Is it a bit cold outside?
Me: Just a tad...
4) Watching students trying to skateboard through the snow.
5) Overhearing people saying that this is the worst winter for 25 years.
British Columbians seem to be taking on a very British pastime - discussing the weather. I had a chat with the ladies in Hubbard's about it. We're all agreed, it's damned cold for here (I can't really say damned cold, look at Calgary!) According to
here, the coldest Vancouver has ever gotten was -14.5.
With regards to the pictures, I have many more. During the exam period I will spend a free day uploading everything to a flickr account or similar and I'll upload people photos to Facey B.