This stupid blog won't let me name the entry what I wanted to grr. Here is an update of the last week.
Sunday:- Michelle arrived! We went out for lunch with her parents and her sister Sarah (Sarah is doing a teaching course here.) We went to Petone (pee-tony) which is the town next to Wellington (I think.) After lunch we drove up to Makara (makra) where we could see the south island! We were then dropped off back home in time for the BBQ.
Monday:- The RAs woke us up by setting the fire alarm off at 7am. We then had to do boot camp (a Vic. House tradition) which involved stupid games on Boyd Wilson field and carrying settees and mattresses up and down hills. I was unimpressed. At lunch time we had the civic welcome which is basically all the first year houses sitting in the civic square and yelling stupid chants at each other. In the evening we had vitesse datant aka French night aka speed dating aka human bingo. I won a bag of Jaffas and a little cup for coming in first place ;-) Afterwards I went to the Big Kumara for a couple of pints.
Tuesday:- I managed to finally get enrolled (albeit on a course that doesn't exist) and in the evening we went on a ferry ride around the harbour. In the rain.
Wednesday:- Pretty much dossed about all day and then did Operation Orientation in the evening. Pretty sure we came last but it was fun and we went on the cable car :D I met a girl from BSE :D I've noticed that there's a lot of ex-Brits here ie people who grew up in the UK and then moved to Kiwiland at a later date. People still keep getting confused by my accent. A worrying amount of people think I'm either a Kiwi or a Yank :|
Thursday:- I went to campus coaches at lunch time and then onto the faculty orientation. In the evening we had sexalogical (cross-dressing sex quiz.) I won best dressed boy and got a back massager of dubious shape as my prize.
Friday:- Went to the big play out in the morning (think assault courses, bouncy castle Twister, and human foosball.) Went up to uni in the afternoon to sort out my courses, bought duck wrapping paper for our door and the student notes for my classes (ordered the books off the internet...) In the evening we had the Zombie Ball. I had to leave and come back because stupid country is stupid and doesn't accept my drivers license as ID. The music wasn't my kind of thing, there were $9 bottles of Bulmers, it was due to end at 1am but ended at 11:30pm due to noise control/lack of people. The union bar has only just reopened, apparently it wasn't very popular (something I've noticed from other unis with multiple campuses.)
Saturday:- Went in to town, found a nice shop where I was told to bring my camera and receipt in during the week and they'll talk to Fujifilm for me :) in the evening I went to see 'A Winter's Tale' performed in the botanical gardens with Michelle, Sarah, and Sarah's friend Rachel. I was quite surprised when the actors came on stage to see that my campus coach, Oscar, was in the production.
Sunday: Today has been a fairly chilled day before tomorrow, took the house photo. Asking Lauren if I can apply for an internship with her.
I think that's it...