Sunday, 6 March 2011

British things :D

So, Friday was the 6 month anniversary of me leaving the country. Doesn't really feel like it lol.

In other news, yesterday I went to town with Tracy, Lucy and Michelle and we went to the 'big' New World (supermarket.) I had been forewarned that this branch had lots of British imports. They weren't kidding.

I ended up with the following items:

A mug
A box of Twinings
A pack of Galaxy
3 bags of Scampi Fries
A bottle of Irn Bru
A bottle of Coke
A bottle of cider

As they were imports they were way more expensive than normal but tbh I was just really excited to see British stuff. They also had Walkers crisps and Marmite crisps but they didn't have the special RND crisps. I have requested that we don't go back there unless I get an urgent need for Irn Bru or something lol.

Also, we had hash browns at brunch today. This made me very happy.

I felt another quake the other night and I've not felt two. This site will keep you informed, just look for stuff that says Wellington/Hutt/Petone.

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