Today I went to the doctor. I'm going back in another two weeks. The possibility of going back on my old medication is hovering over us like a question mark shaped cloud. My insurance says that I'm covered for prescriptions unless they're for a pre-existing medical condition. Does this count? Nobody seems to know and my doctor reckons without the insurance it'll be about $60 dollars a month! I was very good. The worst I said was 'Holy crap! It's £7.20 back home!' Or at least it was the last time I got a prescription (which would be March? February?) I realised that saying 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck' in front of my doctor may not be the smartest move.
I got an email today from the lecturer I don't like asking me if I was dropping the course because I haven't turned up this week. It was nice/disappointing to know that she'd noticed I wasn't there. Oh yeah, I described my symptoms to the doctor and she said it was definitely flu. Go me. So I emailed the lecturer back saying that I had been off with the flu and that I'd be back on Monday. Almost wish I had gone in and infected the class, would've made things more interesting if nobody was well enough to attend. Grumble grumble.
Tomorrow is bus day. As in, I'm going to get on a bus and see where it goes. Hopefully I'll make it back to UBC. UBC is on a night bus route which is helpful should I get really lost.
Thanks Paige for the video call earlier. You're still my only non-family contact on there.
I forgot to say, do you remember a few posts back I mentioned Gravedale High? They're back together and are playing The Marquee at Halloween. This is funny to me because the first time I saw them, it was Halloween and the last time I saw them it was at The Marquee. Those two gigs have other similarities, especially in the company I was keeping. Jack still owes me KSB.
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