Monday, 13 December 2010

This post contains a link to something nasty. Be ye warned!

So, last night was my leaving meal. I looked like Queen of the Skets, not because I'd dressed distastefully or had gone wacky with the fake tan, but because I was the only woman at the table. And I sat at the head of it. Due to exams/PVRA - RA stuff/me deleting my Facebook which deleted the event, there only ended up being five of us. And three of us were English. And two of us are on exchange from UEA. Ne'ermind. There was me (duh), Martin, Russell, Henry and Tom. It was fun. The general level of conversation was stuck very firmly in the gutter and this suited us all. We were trying to think of the most disgusting thing we could think of during dinner (I know, i r clazzy, no?) when Tom happened to mention munging. None of had heard of it and he refused to tell until he'd finished eating. But Henry whipped out his iPhone and told us. To those of you who do not want to know what it is, I commend your lack of curiosity. For those of you who want to know, I give you the wonder of Urban Dictionary.

Please do not blame me for any psychological scarring that occurs from reading that. I told you it was bad.

Once we'd finished dinner, we bought a bottle of rose and went back to my room for some drinks and some YouTube-ing. Many discussions were had. The 'Tom Sandwich' one being particularly memorable. I will not be repeating the contents of that on the basis that they were somewhat lewd.

Today I have been rocking out in the reserve section of the library before coming to find a 'study group' in the 5th lounge. I took the opportunity to pass the year abroad book around. People wrote nice things. Unfortunately, a lot of people decided to write on the same page as each other which makes it awkward when I put the pictures in. But I need to print those out first, which I'll get round to doing at some point before I leave.

In other news, the marks for Scan. Lit have been uploaded to my student page. Unfortunately, it doesn't give you the individual marks, only the overall mark. I got a B. It seems I ballsed up my final fairly badly. Ah well. It's a fair enough grade.

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