Friday, 10 December 2010

u (shall not) Pass

So, today I was going to try to go to the aquarium. Grabbed my bag and was making sure I had the essentials - keys, phone etc - when I noticed that a very important item was missing. My uPass.

Now, I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have taken it out of my bag as I had no need to and the other items I didn't need last night were still in there. So I suspect that it may have fallen out when I took my keys out of something. The short of it is, somewhere between me getting on the no. 4 and me arriving back in my room, it's gone somewhere.

I went to campus security etc and none of them have it. If I were here for the whole year, I'd be getting my new one on Monday :( I have no intention of replacing it as I only have a fortnight left in the city. I'm just going to have to not go anywhere and hope that it turns up/go places that only require one bus so that I don't have to spend too much money/take the bus like normal and hope that there are no ticket inspectors.


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