Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Still Ill

Urgh. Despite taking yesterday off and going to bed early, I still feel like shit.

I went to my class this morning and by the time I left Vanier I was already drenched in feverish sweat, so as you can imagine, by the time I'd finished walking up the hills/all the stairs to my class in Buchanan, I was smelling pretty funky. I spent most of the class alternating between piping hot sweats and cold shakes, whilst trying not to audibly whimper every time I swallow.

Based on this, I have decided not to go to tonight's class. I felt like death after an hour and a half class, there is no way I am going to survive 3 hours tonight. Nothing I'm taking seems to be helping either. I've been taking Sudafed, throat lozenges, honey and lemon tea, and drinking vitamin water but absolutely nothing is helping. I think I'm just going to have to hibernate in my room until I start feeling better. I can see tomorrow being written off too. So far today I've had a banging headache, the really nasty sore throat, the hot and cold phases, earache, backache, and some moments of dizziness. I though I might've caught what Martin had but I'm pretty sure he had a blocked nose and I don't have that. Yet. Other people I know have been ill too, and getting drenched the other night probably didn't help. So yeah, I'm just going to stay in here and read so at least I am up to date on it, even if I miss the class discussions. I can only hope I am feeling better this time next week as I have a mid-term test next Tuesday night.

Ick ick ick. I really wish I had bought one of my microwaveable ducks with me, if only for the earache :(

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