Starting from the top we have:
- House Prez Scott with the Tec cobra on his head and I believe the girl is Sam who is one of the RAs, but don't hold me to that.
- Tec Vs BooOk at human foosball.
- Tec Vs MawdEr trying to cross the field without touching the grass.
- Group photo after the Golden Snitch game.
- Myself and Haitham at breakfast
- Group photo after Tec were declared the winners!
Firstly 10 points if you can tell me where those lyrics are from. 20 if you did it without using Google.
So this is my late blog about Vanier Olympics/Graffiti Night. I'd set my alarm for 7:45. I was woken up at 7:44 by Haitham and Jayne running down the corridor, screaming 'Vanier Olympics!' and banging on everybody's doors. Fair play to anyone who slept through this as it was repeated several times. I fell downstairs and grabbed a muffin. It turned out to be banana chocolate. I wasn't impressed but I ate it all because I couldn't really give it back after I'd taken a bite out of it! At 9 we made our way to the field and there was chanting and whatnot. It was like school sports day but lairier. Most of the houses joined together, so there were 7 teams composed of the 12 houses. Here's a list of colours/teams:
Mackenzie & Ross (MackRoss) - BLUE
Hamber & Mawdsley (MawdEr) - YELLOW
Tec de Monterrey-UBC (Tec) - PURPLE
Cariboo & Okanagan (BooOk) - BLACK
Robson & Kootenay (RobKoot) - RED
Tweedsmuir & Sherwood Lett (TweedSL)- GREEN
Hamber & Mawdsley (MawdEr) - YELLOW
Tec de Monterrey-UBC (Tec) - PURPLE
Cariboo & Okanagan (BooOk) - BLACK
Robson & Kootenay (RobKoot) - RED
Tweedsmuir & Sherwood Lett (TweedSL)- GREEN
So first up we played human foosball (or human table football) against our arch rivals, KU. We lost. We then stayed for our second round of this against BooOk. We won that one. Next we played water balloon volleyball against RobKoot which I think we won (it doesn't matter, we won overall.) Then it was the lava game (you had to cross the field without touching the grass, the less objects you use, the more points you get) against MawdEr. We got the same number across as them but they used one less item so scored more points. Then we played the Golden Snitch which is a game you play just as your house. Everyone has to climb through the web, anyone who breaks the web loses points. You then have to catch the Golden Snitch (PVRA President Derek) and feed him through the web. The other 2 members of the PVRA exec. are his bodyguards and if they tag you, you have to go back through the web before you can chase after the Snitch. We were tagged but at we came back to the web, we saw them feeding Derek through it, so it was all good. Then we had another go at the lava game against MackRoss and ended with our final match of water balloon volleyball against TweedSL. Every team was given a prize (we got the Spirit of Cate Morrsion award!) before they announced the winners. RobKoot were 3rd, KU 2nd and Tec, for the 3rd year in a row, won it! Yay!
The powers that be decided 'Ooo, it's a nice day! Let's move graffiti night outdoors and sell 200 more tickets.' Yeah, this is Vancouver. It's the law that it has to rain once everyday. And my God, did it chuck it down! I stayed for about an hour and a half before I decided to go home. My reasoning went a bit like this: I'm cold, I'm wet, everything that people write on the shirts is running, I don't like the music, and my friends are either banned from attending/being violently sick/didn't buy a ticket/have already sodded off home/are glued at the hip (yet curiously not at the mouth) to other people. Urgh. It was like going to a bad school disco outside. Or the LCR sober. Dear God, I am old. I should've spent the evening distributing leaflets on the etiquette of dancing, the etiquette of kissing and giving out condoms, it would've been a more worthwhile waste of my evening. One of the best bits was probably telling Frankie (1st floor RA) that my name was Fran and comparing our names, he being Francesco and me being Francesca.
Yesterday was the 26th of September (well observed, Fran.) Now, the 26th of September was an interesting night last year. I had a few drinks with the 'all day drinking crew', went to a party, fell out with the host and fell down the stairs. I then relocated the 'all day drinking crew', discovered a settee in the middle of King's Street and went to the Waterfront. I then pounced on Jack, got told off by the bouncers, and got the scar on my knee through ill-advised tap dancing up Dereham Road. And the rest, as they say, is history. Likewise, my relationship with Jack seems to be too. I haven't heard from him for a week now. I give up. I'm sick and tired of always being the one to initiate contact. It's not like he's been exceptionally busy, he was off most of last week sick (just I am this week - yay!) Grr. Angry Fran is angry. He knows where to find me if he feels like getting in touch.
It looks like my shower gel has disappeared again. Grr. Seriously people, just hand it in to the RA on that floor, don't fucking nick it. I'm going to just wash with soap, can't be bothered to buy another bottle for it to get nicked again. Yes, I am forgetful but I always go back to check and twice it has disappeared now.
However, angry Fran is angry about other things right now, and in her head she is taking a pool cue to some cunts in west Wales.
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