Tuesday, 7 September 2010

This house is made of what? Dynamite!

As you can see, I've gone back and added some pictures of my room to the previous post. I'm still having to abuse the Wifi in the commonsblock as my ethernet is still screwed. It's Labor day today which is a public holiday so everyone's off work. So long as it's fixed by the end of the week, I'll be happy.

Yesterday was a fun day. Firstly we had a cake social which was nom. We then went out onto Vanier Field and played a game. We had to stand in a circle and then we got put into pairs. We had to stand one in front of the other in our pairs. Scott (House Prez Scott) was in the middle shouting out actions. These were Buddy Up (the person at the back had to jump on the person at the front's back), Buddy Down (you put them down), Buddy Under (the one at the back went through the one at the front's legs), Buddy Switch (switch places) and Buddy Run (the one at the back runs round the circle and Buddies Up. The last pair or so get eliminated.) As you know, I am short and have a bad back, so this was not a game I was ever going to be good at. I was paired with Emily who is quite tall. In the first round, I was the one at the back and I did try really hard to jump high enough to land on her but we epic failed and both fell back on the ground and were eliminated. Got high fives off people for the sheer effort I put in and how spectacular it was. Eventually it got whittled down to two pairs and then every house put their best two pairs into a circle and they battled it out. A pair from Okanagan won but they'd been cheating. I have a video of it but it's on my phone and the cable is in my room. After this we played capture the exec (like capture the flag but with people) and we lost that too.

In the evening we stormed the cafe. This is where the entire house goes to dinner at the same time, wearing the house colour (mine is purple) and chanting house songs lol. That was pretty cool. Then we came back and had the ice cream social, which is where I began to realise how old I am. Seriously. I've only met one person so far who is older than me and he's only older by about a fortnight. Anyway, a group of us were standing talking so decided to go to someone's room so we could sit and talk properly. We were going to go to Graham's room (he's the guy who is older than me) but we bumped into people on the way and ended up at Annalise's room where we watched a load of magician videos on youtube. There ended up being six of us in the room. Me, Annalise (who is 18 and has asked if I'll be her 'beer buddy'), Sarah and Other Scott (Kudos if you get the Scott Pilgrim reference, they're both 17) and Henry and Graham who I've mentioned before. I forgot to say, Sarah and Annalise also both used to be figure skaters so we're talking about starting a thing where we go together each week.

I had planned to explore campus today but it is pissing it down so it can wait. There's a campus wide BBQ happening at Vanier tonight so that should be good!

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