Friday, 29 October 2010


This post will be brought to you in block capitals because if I could, I would be shouting it over the phone at you:




Thursday, 28 October 2010

Witchers and Witches

Today I went to Dollar Plus and purchased, for the grand total of $11-something, my Halloween outfit. I then added stuff I already had and some experimental makeup. Raelyn has taken a photo for me.

Now, my question for you, my readers, is this: To false eyelash, or to not false eyelash?

Here's hoping there's no lesbian vampire killers at the Pride Halloween do on Friday...!

Oh yeah, the title of this blog is a play on the caption on the 'Witchers and Watches' photo from the Paris trip. This blog has nothing to do with Witchers.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


I didn't fail my war lit. midterm. I got a B-. I'm cool with that. I got 4/5 for the first section and 10.5/15 for the second one.

Now to not fail the one I have on Friday...

Monday, 25 October 2010

Thunderbirds are go!

Last night I went to see the Varsity basketball. It was UBC Thunderbirds Vs Saskatchewan Huskies. Seara invited me and we went with Russell and Sandra.

I'd never seen basketball before. My knowledge of it was based on PE lessons which generally involved at lot of people clawing at other peoples faces. Sandra spent a lot of the match explaining it to me and discussing the relative hotness of the players. This was tricky because I didn't have my glasses on, so everything appeared in a sort of soft focus. My favourite was no. 7 Alex Murphy, but as I reasoned with Sandra, they were all about a foot and a half taller than me (ok, the Thunderbirds website says he's only 6ft 1, making him the second shortest on the team. There you go.) My father will get this reference: the UBC coach looked like the fat doctor.

During the half time break, I went to the beer garden. As I may have mentioned to some of you, beer garden is not what it is back home. A beer garden over here tends to be an unlicensed thing behind a table where they pull out cans from a box and give them to you in exchange for a beer ticket. The ones I've been to before have had a couple of drinks available. This one gave me a choice of Molson Canadian, a lager, or nothing. I'd already bought my ticket so I didn't have much choice. I thought, ok, I'll take this back and share it with the others. This is when I saw the 'NO BEER PAST THIS POINT' sign, so I was forced to gulp back the stuff.

UBC were getting absolutely owned until the third quarter when they pulled it back and took the lead. During the third quarter break, they had the captain of the women's team seeing how many shots she could score in 30 secs. For every one she got, UBC athletics would add $100 to the amount already raised for the Think Pink breast cancer campaign. She scored 16 baskets (though I only counted 15) so that was good! UBC then had the lead until the dying seconds of the game until a dodgy decision by the ref. gave the Huskies two free shots and they scored both of them. We ended up losing 96 - 97 :(

We all agreed it was a great evening out and are planning on going to more events, especially the football, if only so Russell can explain it to me. As far as I can see, they took the shit bits of football and rugby and made a sport out of them. Whatevs.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Free is not always good

There's a free gig going on in the ballroom at the mo. It's about halfway through. I went to the first half. I propped up a pillar. I did not have a pint in my hand. Sad times. In fact, there were no drinks there.

So I went to Hubbards and got a slushie in the hope that my brain might be able to pretend that it was a daiquiri, like at the Gravedale gig at the Queen Charlotte. This is hard to do when there's no rum (why's all the rum gone?!) It's also hard to do when the band is crap and the only people you know at gig have either been roped into doing security or they walked in and walked back out again. I know it's a free gig and I know they're just local bands but seriously, I'm not a musician (well, my GCSE certificates beg to differ, but hey) but I know the following:

- Most alternative bands have the following four components - singer, guitarist, bassist, drummer.
- The singer is called the singer because they sing. You are mumbling. Therefore, you're not a singer, you're a mumbler. Seriously, I cannot understand a single word you're saying. If I wanted to listen to mumbling, I'd just record a conversation between me and Jack. I don't crumble.
- You sing into the microphone. It pics up the vibrations of your voice and makes them loud. You have the mic at a reasonable distance from your mouth and all is good. You don't have it so close to you that it looks like you have magnets it your mouth/you're performing a sex act on the mic. This also means that I can't make head nor tail of what you're saying.
- Finally, the singer (NOT mumbler) should be louder than the rest of the band. I want to hear the damn lyrics to get a gist of what the song is about, I can still hear the drummers syncopation/the epic chord sequence/the earthquake inducing bass underneath your vocals.

I don't expect bands to be perfect, especially not at this level. My God! I don't think I've seen a Witchers set where something didn't go wrong, and I've seen them twelve times (count 'em.) I do expect to be able to hear you though.

Oh yeah. Don't tell anybody but a certain rather sexy band from East Anglia had a meeting tonight with a record label. Ssh!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Whales > Wales

So, I went whale watching on Sunday. I nearly missed the shuttle bus because I got lost after I got off the UBC bus. Anyway, we drove to the village of Steveston, which is in Richmond. Richmond is the city next to Vancouver. As in, you drive over the overpass by the airport and you're in Richmond. If this were England, they'd probably be the same city. Anyway. En route we passed the Olympic speed skating rink which is being turned into just a normal rink and they're building luxury condos next to it, in case you were wondering.

On the boat I got a seat near the front next to one of the sliding windows (the windows slide up so you can get a good view) and the people behind me were British. I say British, it was a man and his daughter and he was Chatham but had moved to Maple Ridge 15 years ago so his daughter was Canadian.

Anyhoo, we pulled out of the harbour and went around a bit. We saw some snow geese, seals and a bald eagle, but no whales. This was a worry. Then our on board biologist said they'd heard there was a lone male whale at so and so, so we were going to see if we could find him. Turns out there were quite a few. We also saw some diving ducks. Anyway, whales. They were orca whales and I tried to photograph film them but my camera died so I tried to use my phone and it was hard because they're moving and I couldn't see because of the glare/I wasn't looking through the lens. Sorry about that. If you could insert a memory card into my brain I could show you how cool it was.

Afterwards we had half an hour until the shuttle came back so I went to a candy store and bought Wonka bottle caps, which I hoped would be like Fizzy Jerkz. They're chalky rather than hard boiled and not that nice. Gah. Knew I should've gotten Jolly Ranchers.

In other news, I got my mark for my William Carlos Williams presentation today. I got a B+ which I'm reliably told is good. I'm also told that the magical 2.75 average I need is roundabout a C+ or B-. Let us hope that I continue this. I'm currently 'writing' the essay for that class, due on Monday. I've written the introduction. It's taking a while because she wants me to use a different citation system to the one I'm used to. The general gist of this essay is: I hate William Carlos Williams. We both hate T.S. Eliot. I discuss why WCW hates TSE so much and why he attacks him in Paterson. This could be fun.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

New Zealand still sucks

If you didn't see my mini rant on Facebook, I just got an email from U. Vic. saying that I hadn't been accepted into halls. Funny, that. So now I've been waitlisted. The upshot of this being that I can now apply for all of the halls instead of just three. So, now all I have to do is wait for people to drop out/cancel their application so that a space becomes available and then hope that the hall manager picks me to take their space.

I can see this going horribly wrong. Still, I'm not there until February so there's still a fair bit of time in which spaces may become available. I'm not impressed with this pretty shoddy system though.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't get my midterm back because the lecturer was ill and forgot to bring it. She also didn't bother teaching us so just let the two groups do their presentation then sent us home. What. A. Waste.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


It's all going a bit wrong at the moment. I'm trying to battle through it but I feel like the tiniest thing may make me snap. Just saw an email reminding me to bring my copy of Jarhead to class tomorrow. What copy and how is this a reminder? Last class she said we'd be doing The Wars. Unghhh.

I'm meant to be getting the results of my first midterm tomorrow. If my current state of being emotionally challenged continues and I get bad results, I may actually burst into tears. I'm sure that'll suitably freak out my classmates/lecturer.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Giving Thanks

Well, there you have a shitload of pictures from Thanksgiving, and there's a lot I left out. I really ought to get a flickr account or something. As usual, it's in reverse chronological order, so from the top we have:

- Wilson on a highly dangerous contraption taking down the decorations.
- Jason cutting pumpkin pie.
- House president Scott at the head of the table.
- My second plate of food.
- The table set up before people came in.
- Henry putting up the decorations.
- Scott trying to get brown sugar and marshmallows to melt over the sweet potatoes.
- Casey basting Cuntfuck (Scott's name.)
- Jason checking on Bitchtits (Scott again.)
- Joey's cupcakes.
- Aisha making the cranberry sauce (which is really nice on mashed potato!)
- Martin layering the lasagne.
- Me frying the eggplant and zucchini (or aubergine and courgette as normal people call it :P)
- Martin making the bechamel sauce.
- The eggplant and zucchini as chopped by me. I knew you wouldn't believe it so I took a photo.

There are many videos. The first can be found here and the rest can be linked to from that one, as well as all my other videos.

In the end there were about 30 of us and the majority were people from Tec but we had the odd person from elsewhere. It was certainly a fun day. I kind of wish we had something like this back home. Possibly have a Thanksgiving dinner with my housemates next year. Perhaps not.

In other news, my copy of 'Paterson' finally arrived today, almost a month after I ordered it. I am not impressed.

My appointment with the Dr today went well. She commented on how well I looked and how much happier I seemed, and I am a lot happier here. I do get the odd moment but for the most part, I'm good. I will certainly miss the people I've met here when I leave. It makes me sad when I hear things from other people who're abroad about how much they're hating it. As much as it must pain Jack to admit that I was right ;-) I'm glad I went abroad single. This is just my perspective but I can see people having a tougher time than they need to abroad because of the people they've left behind, and I do wonder if in a couple years they'll look back on it and think that they wasted a really good opportunity. I don't know. I think I'm becoming more like a tree and less like grass, to borrow Sarah Garland's analogy. The wind is still buffeting me but it's swaying me less, and I'm glad of it. I'm also glad of Inigo and our typically bizarre conversations and messages. Don't worry Norwich, we'll both be back and then it'll be Frinigo time *does the MC Hammer dance*

Friday, 15 October 2010

Bloody horny teenagers...

Well, I've found out who it is I can hear having sex. Unfortunately for me, it's someone I know. Unfortunately for them, they know that I know. Haitham reckons I should file it as a noise disturbance. It's not them that I hear, per se, it's the bed squeaking.

In other news, I have my exam schedule. My exams are on the 7th, 13th, 17th and 18th of December. The ones on the 7th and 17th are at 8:30am. WTF, mate? The 13th is at 7pm and the 18th is a Saturday. Hmm. Thought about leaving drinks on the 18th but Martin is going home on the 15th, so thinking provisionally the 11th instead. And by leaving drinks, I mean a leaving meal with optional consumption of alcohol pre, post, and during the meal.

To my family: I forgot to remind you that I'm seeing the Dr tomorrow so I probably won't be online before midnight your time, if you'll still be up?

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Vanier Vibe

My photo is the cover photo, my poem's on the back page and I have an article in the middle. Better than all of that, I totally snaffled the COLOUR copy to send back home.

I am cool, no?

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


I don't agree with many of the historical aspects of this holiday, however, as a way of bringing people together, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I will blog properly tomorrow. I've been running around all day. I may delay blogging until Wednesday as I have much work to do tomorrow.

There are many funny photos and videos. Honest.

Monday, 11 October 2010


You know how the university in NZ have managed to screw me over already? They've done it again.

I decided to have a look on their website because I haven't heard a damn thing from them (not surprising because my application isn't even due at UEA yet, although it's already been handed in.) Here I discovered that the deadline for applying for housing was October 1st. Cheers! Thanks for that, you useless bunch of *insert expletive here* So, I've just applied for housing (their housing site is ridiculously confusing) and now I have to hope that I'll get a place. Apparently they keep a small number of places available for international students until December. They also charge 1 term only students more money.

I can not adequately express how pissed off I am. I think *headdesk* sums it up.

New Zealand had better be damned good after all of this.

EDIT: Another part of the website says that the deadline for international/exchange people who're only there for 1 semester is Dec 1st. Will they even have any places left? I can see me ending up in the U. Vic equivalent of Mary Chapman Court...or worse.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Putting the British into British Columbia

Ha, Yahoo! answers has told me how to get stuff from the internal memory to my memory card. I no longer need worry when I forget the memory card. Good stuff. So, here we have a picture of us taken at the Brits dinner at White Spot on Thursday. There are two Canadians but we forgive them. Starting from the front left and working round we have Tess, Kyle, Ed, Tom, me, Henry, Allanah and Kai. Kyle and Kai are the Canadians and myself, Tom and Allanah are the UEA crew (sans Rebecca.) Yay!

The dinner was really nice and it was good to hang out with fellow British people. We'll have to have another meal later on in the semester. Over the course of dinner I learned that Henry's father is a lord. I've never met anyone with a title before. Despite being the youngest, Henry looks the oldest and we all got served without being ID'd. During a conversation about bad chat up lines I got into a conversation with Tom about Rammstein. I was impressed that he knew what I was referencing. Afterwards, myself, Henry and Tom decided to have a drink and a natter in Henry's room (which is over mine and across one) and on the way I stopped off at Tweedsmuir and saw Tom's room. I had a 1960s/UEA flashback.

Yesterday I'd planned to go to UBC Pride but ended up going to Mahoney's which is an 'Irish' bar on campus. I had a frozen cocktail because the price of cider was ridiculous. A pint of Strongbow was $8.75 :O I went with Martin and Ian. Ian went clubbing downtown afterwards but it was raining so we went back home instead.

In other news, I have a completed provisional travel plan. No doubt it'll end up getting changed at some point. My brother may be coming to join me on my travels so we will have to see what he wants to do too.

Friday, 8 October 2010

There's word on the street that the waltz is a dance we should dance to, it's not all it's cracked up to be...

Today I learned that there was some confusion over who was in the wigs in the picture from this entry. Just to clarify, it's a picture of Jack and his friend Richard when they were still at school in Witney. It seemed appropriate to put it in seeing as I was talking about Witney. That, and it made me laugh. So for this entry I have decided to include an actual picture of me in a blonde wig. Laugh away people, laugh away...well, they do say that people are attracted to people who look like them, hence why you see separated siblings meeting later in life and falling in love.

So, last night I went to a free ballroom dancing lesson with Frances. It was so much fun and if I were here for a whole year, then I would join the club but it's too much money for me to join for the remainder of this semester. We learned a basic cha cha cha and a basic waltz. We learned the steps on our own and then found a partner to dance with for a minute or so before swapping partners. They also had members of the club exec. there who danced with us and I waltzed with one of them and he said I was an excellent follower. I don't know if he just said that to be nice though. You'd think I'd be a good dancer all things considered but as I proved in Bedford's Crypt with Shaun, I can't dance for shit. Just as well I didn't go into ice dance really, even though I think I would've enjoyed it more.

I'm meant to be going to White Spot this evening for a Brits dinner. If nothing else, it'll be good to hear a familiar accent again! I was going to write something else but it seems to have escaped me...obviously wasn't important!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

I remember a time when you kissed me instead of just walking away...

Last night I had my war lit. midterm. I don't think it went very well. I knew the answers but the format of the exam confused me. We'll see how it went lol.

Yesterday was October 5th. October 5th 2009 was a good night. I went to see Witchers for the very first time and I got in for free because Jack paid for my ticket. Sadly this trend didn't continue! Not only was it my first time at a Witchers gig, but it was also my first gig at the Arts Centre in Norwich and also the first time I tried Norfolk Cider (if you haven't tried it, you really are missing out. It's also available at the Ribs of Beef.) This is all very fine and well but the bit about that night that has the most importance to me is that after the gig, Jack asked me to be his girlfriend. Ah...that doesn't seem like it was that long ago. I've been listening to Witchers and not feeling too meh over the past couple of days, so I think some progress is being made.

Anyway, through my listenings I realised that I am in love with a song. Or am I? Am I in love with the voice I hear in the background and the person I know it belongs to? Or am I in love with it because very few people have listened to it live and it makes it more special, the fact that it was played for me or the circumstances in which it was played? I don't know. What makes your favourite song? I have a favourite song. Unfortunately this song has been somewhat ruined for me after I was informed that a certain vile person in Norwich and their new squeeze have adopted it as 'their song'. Hmm. The dopey c u next Tuesdays probably don't even know what the song is about. My favourite song, for those who don't know, is 'Golden Brown' by The Stranglers. I am perfectly aware that it is a song about heroin as well as a song about a woman. The lyrics aren't what's important to me, it's the time signature. Yes, I have a love for 3/4. This probably explains many of my other favourite songs. Do all couples have a 'song'? I have had songs with people, some I haven't been in a relationship with. There's always been a reason behind why it was that song. With Jack it was 'Rock Lobster' by The B-52s because the night we first met, this song was being played. Inigo and I have a 'song' which is 'The Guns of Brixton' by The Clash because one of the first conversations we ever had was about that song. I fail to see what connection that parasite has to 'Golden Brown.' Seeing as the song has already been ruined for me, if anyone can enlighten me as to the connection, I am all ears.

EDIT: Just tried to transfer money from my TSB account to my RBC one. It says I need a sort code. I don't have one. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Damn you, Vermont!

Ok, sweet! My blog now has 3 official followers, and only 2 of them are my relatives!

Today I got my third piece of post. It was a thank you card from Mark! Thank you, Mark. This has made my day. No really, it has.

So, I've decided that Vermont sucks and unless I suddenly remember someone who lives there or finds someone who isn't too far away who is willing to drive me there, the Ben and Jerry's trip isn't happening. Sad times. So, I've been working on a provisional itinerary and I've got a general plan up until January 14th. From here I have several options but I thought I'd throw it out there to people in case they would like to see me. I realise that with having room mates and whatnot, it may be tricky to stay with you and I am more than happy to stay in a hostel nearby and hang out with you during the day or whatever. Mainly because spending two months travelling on my own without seeing anybody I know and then moving to another country where I know nobody will suck. So, umm, yeah. If you'd like me to visit you, please do let me know.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Modestry, Honestry, and the Private Sfaere

No, I'm not drunk. Nor have I lost the ability to spell. These are genuine mistakes that my lecturer wrote on the board today. I think we should all be concerned for the education system of Canada.

So, I've been over here for exactly a month today. Which means that I have two and a bit months left living in Vanier before I am homeless. I am really tempted to record a charity-style video plea for places to stay. In the meantime, I will do it here:


Ok, so that last bit was actually stolen from Creep when we were on the tube after the Sisters of Mercy gig. I'm sure the passengers on the Northern line were suitably like 'wtf?!' Anyway, that's the gist of what I want to say. Not that I can really walk up to people and say this to them. It'd be rude. As some of you may know, I have to leave my residence by noon on December 22nd and I'm not due in New Zealand until mid-February, so I have a bit of time to wander about. I sort of have a plan but this plan is getting fucked up by the fact that the entire state of Vermont seems to have nowhere cheap to stay that is easy to get to. Goddamn it. So my options, should I still remain determined to go to Vermont stand as follows:

- Pay for expensive accommodation.
- Pay for cheap accommodation but fork out for taxis everywhere.
- Be homeless.
- Couch Surf.

So, for those of you who don't know, Couch Surf is a website where people offer their couches for other randomers to stay at. It's not as dodgy as it sounds and I've only heard one bad story about it. I'm too lazy to describe the concept properly, so here is a link to their site.

Please enjoy. Also, I have messed about with the settings on this thing so that you can leave comments. Isn't that nice?

Sunday, 3 October 2010

The Words Don't Fit The Picture

From the top we have:

- Bad picture of me wearing my 'The Eh Team' top.
- Equally bad wearing my new jacket on top.
- A pile of the things I acquired today.
- Nelson Street.
- Leaves in the pavement.
- Quotes around the trees.
- The sign by the library.
- Robson Square.

So, today was bus day. Before I set off, I caved and bought myself a full price copy of 'Paterson' from the bookstore because my Amazon one still hasn't arrived and I'm going to find myself in pretty deep shit next week if I don't have it all read. I also bought myself a UBC duck keyring. It can be friends with the magnet. Then I set off for the city. I decided to make for the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory because a chocolate factory sounded like fun. It turned out to be a chocolate shop that I smelled before I saw it. On the way there I was handed a free Burt's bees sample which made me happy (posh cosmetics stuff as bought by my old boss.) I got to see the sweets being made in the shop, which was cool and had a sample of a smores caramel apple (smores is chocolate and marshmallow.) I decided to buy some maple syrup fudge, which is damned nice.

I wandered up and down a bit before coming to Lush, which bizarrely I saw before I smelled. I picked up some things in there and it was interesting talking to the staff as they still had some products that have been discontinued in the UK and had some I'd not seen before but on the other hand, they didn't have a lot of the new stuff I saw before I left. It's arriving next Saturday and I've been invited to join them for a Lush party lol.

I then stopped to eat my sandwich and had my first encounter with a homeless person here. They're really aggressive and intimidating, I don't like it at all. Afterwards I stuck my head into Bang On which I had heard about but had no idea where it was. It's awesome. You pick your top. You pick your design. They print it for you then and there. It was $22 I believe. I will probably go back there. I decided to get one which says 'The Eh Team' because it's funny and Canadian. I saw some very apt ones for people back home so if you want any, send me monies and tell me what you want and I can get it for you.

From there I went to Sears. They were having a sale but they also had a discount outlet floor. So I went there and got the black jacket for just over $20. The original tag says it should have been over $70. Big yay. I wandered some more but kept getting disorientated by the tourist map points. They showed where you were but didn't say which direction you were facing...I then came home and chilled.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Get a room...just not one where I can hear you!

I was studying for my midterm on Tuesday night but then the rhythmic thumping started upstairs. I can only assume that the person in 635 is either listening to music with a lot of bass, doing some sort of weird jumpy aerobics, or is having sex. Given that I'm living with students and it's a Friday night, I'm going to guess the latter. I'll have to ask Sarah as she lives next door to them.

Today I went to the doctor. I'm going back in another two weeks. The possibility of going back on my old medication is hovering over us like a question mark shaped cloud. My insurance says that I'm covered for prescriptions unless they're for a pre-existing medical condition. Does this count? Nobody seems to know and my doctor reckons without the insurance it'll be about $60 dollars a month! I was very good. The worst I said was 'Holy crap! It's £7.20 back home!' Or at least it was the last time I got a prescription (which would be March? February?) I realised that saying 'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck' in front of my doctor may not be the smartest move.

I got an email today from the lecturer I don't like asking me if I was dropping the course because I haven't turned up this week. It was nice/disappointing to know that she'd noticed I wasn't there. Oh yeah, I described my symptoms to the doctor and she said it was definitely flu. Go me. So I emailed the lecturer back saying that I had been off with the flu and that I'd be back on Monday. Almost wish I had gone in and infected the class, would've made things more interesting if nobody was well enough to attend. Grumble grumble.

Tomorrow is bus day. As in, I'm going to get on a bus and see where it goes. Hopefully I'll make it back to UBC. UBC is on a night bus route which is helpful should I get really lost.

Thanks Paige for the video call earlier. You're still my only non-family contact on there.

I forgot to say, do you remember a few posts back I mentioned Gravedale High? They're back together and are playing The Marquee at Halloween. This is funny to me because the first time I saw them, it was Halloween and the last time I saw them it was at The Marquee. Those two gigs have other similarities, especially in the company I was keeping. Jack still owes me KSB.

Friday, 1 October 2010

It's Witney, bitch

I lied. There was one photo from Graffiti Night. That is a pretty damn funny shot glass. I think it belonged to a friend of Raelyn, but don't hold me to that.

I've decided to add another photo, just because it did make me lol. As in I actually did laugh when I saw it. Perhaps you did too?

Today has been a good day, if a little odd in places. As I was leaving Tec this morning, I bumped into Henry, who asked me if I knew any bisexual girls who didn't live in Tec or Mack as his new girlfriend is bi-curious. The implication of this being that he wanted a threesome. Now you may think I'm jumping to conclusions here, but why specify that the girl had to be bi and not just a girl who likes girls (bi/lesbian/whatever) and why specify that she had to not live in either of their houses? I don't know anyone who fits this description and even if I did, I wouldn't tell him about them. There is an assumption here that because the person who is sought likes men and women, that they must like all men and women. Well, what if they don't fancy either of them? Or if they don't like the idea of being the third wheel in a threesome? Hmm...

My class today seemed good, although it was hard to hear most of the lecture. Nicholas came and sat with me and he very kindly told me what I'd missed from the class on Tuesday night. I am in two minds as to whether or not to go to American poetry tomorrow as my copy of 'Paterson' still hasn't turned up, Google Books doesn't have all of the books of 'Paterson' and the library only has books 1&2 and tomorrow we're discussing book 3. Ungh. On the upside, my second piece of post arrived today, it was my Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot as bought from but bizarrely shipped from the UK.

I heard from Jack today. Apparently he hasn't been messaging me because he wanted me to focus on my life here and not dwell on England, which was kind of him to think like that, and I have gently reminded him that not hearing from him doesn't help with the fear of abandonment aspect of my borderline. Still, it's reassuring to know that he still cares (yet not reassuring hearing from a few people that he's been acting out of character lately.) I also spoke to other lovely people today, and for the most part, these were good, constructive and very pleasant conversations. More of them would be nice!

This evening I went firstly to the Vanier Vibe meeting. The October issue is going out on Monday so I'll get to see then whether or not my submissions made the cut (I need to email them some photos from Vanier Olympics) but people came up to me and said how much they liked what I'd written, which was nice. Afterwards I went to White Spot where I had dinner with Rebecca and Allanah. It was really nice but there was just so much! We shared a starter between the three of us and we still didn't finish it and I ended up leaving about half of my dinner. I felt bad about that. It was so nice but there was just too much! It was also nice to have people to drink with. I tried an Extra cider, grape flavour, which was lilac and not that nice. The other two had daiquiris which were nicer and cheaper than my cider. I know what to get next time people (for there will be a next time! I quite fancy going to White Spot for my 'Fran's leaving Vancouver' social gathering/drinks but we'll worry about that nearer the time.) I also discovered that Allanah is from Witney and she went to Henry Box.


- Jack used to live in Witney. He went to Henry Box.
- Witney is next to a village called Ducklington, which, according to the two people I know from Witney, is crap, but I still want to go.
- Witney is home of the Wychwood Brewery and the Fabulous Bakin' Boys

On the downside, it does have the PM as its MP. But we don't talk about that...

WOAH! I just Googled the FBB and it came up with a little map so I clicked and zoomed to see better and I found Mallard Drive. 1234567890 points if you can tell me why this excites me (it's not the reason you think!)