I lied. There was one photo from Graffiti Night. That is a pretty damn funny shot glass. I think it belonged to a friend of Raelyn, but don't hold me to that.
I've decided to add another photo, just because it did make me lol. As in I actually did laugh when I saw it. Perhaps you did too?
Today has been a good day, if a little odd in places. As I was leaving Tec this morning, I bumped into Henry, who asked me if I knew any bisexual girls who didn't live in Tec or Mack as his new girlfriend is bi-curious. The implication of this being that he wanted a threesome. Now you may think I'm jumping to conclusions here, but why specify that the girl had to be bi and not just a girl who likes girls (bi/lesbian/whatever) and why specify that she had to not live in either of their houses? I don't know anyone who fits this description and even if I did, I wouldn't tell him about them. There is an assumption here that because the person who is sought likes men and women, that they must like all men and women. Well, what if they don't fancy either of them? Or if they don't like the idea of being the third wheel in a threesome? Hmm...
My class today seemed good, although it was hard to hear most of the lecture. Nicholas came and sat with me and he very kindly told me what I'd missed from the class on Tuesday night. I am in two minds as to whether or not to go to American poetry tomorrow as my copy of 'Paterson' still hasn't turned up, Google Books doesn't have all of the books of 'Paterson' and the library only has books 1&2 and tomorrow we're discussing book 3. Ungh. On the upside, my second piece of post arrived today, it was my Collected Poems of T.S. Eliot as bought from Amazon.ca but bizarrely shipped from the UK.
I heard from Jack today. Apparently he hasn't been messaging me because he wanted me to focus on my life here and not dwell on England, which was kind of him to think like that, and I have gently reminded him that not hearing from him doesn't help with the fear of abandonment aspect of my borderline. Still, it's reassuring to know that he still cares (yet not reassuring hearing from a few people that he's been acting out of character lately.) I also spoke to other lovely people today, and for the most part, these were good, constructive and very pleasant conversations. More of them would be nice!
This evening I went firstly to the Vanier Vibe meeting. The October issue is going out on Monday so I'll get to see then whether or not my submissions made the cut (I need to email them some photos from Vanier Olympics) but people came up to me and said how much they liked what I'd written, which was nice. Afterwards I went to White Spot where I had dinner with Rebecca and Allanah. It was really nice but there was just so much! We shared a starter between the three of us and we still didn't finish it and I ended up leaving about half of my dinner. I felt bad about that. It was so nice but there was just too much! It was also nice to have people to drink with. I tried an Extra cider, grape flavour, which was lilac and not that nice. The other two had daiquiris which were nicer and cheaper than my cider. I know what to get next time people (for there will be a next time! I quite fancy going to White Spot for my 'Fran's leaving Vancouver' social gathering/drinks but we'll worry about that nearer the time.) I also discovered that Allanah is from Witney and she went to Henry Box.
- Jack used to live in Witney. He went to Henry Box.
- Witney is next to a village called Ducklington, which, according to the two people I know from Witney, is crap, but I still want to go.
- Witney is home of the Wychwood Brewery and the Fabulous Bakin' Boys
On the downside, it does have the PM as its MP. But we don't talk about that...
WOAH! I just Googled the FBB and it came up with a little map so I clicked and zoomed to see better and I found Mallard Drive. 1234567890 points if you can tell me why this excites me (it's not the reason you think!)
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